
Despair. Current state of mind Posted by Picasa


Ghada said...

wow, this is perfect. I like it so much.

إنحناءة حبل الغسيل اللي ورا، ووضعية ايديها، كل حاجه كأنها مرسومة

shababik said...


Anonymous said...

Bravo, very nice shot. Ahmad el-Nemr

Anonymous said...

this is not desperation

واحد من الناس said...

نظرة عينيها قمه في التعبير

Anonymous said...

Muy bien, you have talent and mucho corazon my friend! Salam alikom -Catalina Maria

Anonymous said...

اختيار لون الابيض والاسود للصورة دى
ونظرة العين و حبل الغسيل اللى ورا الصورة رائعة

بتنطق بالكلام

Anonymous said...

Excellent composition, and choice of sepia effect is beautiful! The expression together with the exposue level make up for a great picture. BEAUTIFUL WORK Samer

Anonymous said...

Is she egyptian?

The expression on her face louder than my words.
Great picture

Mahitab Allam


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